- I am the author of In the Land of Invented Languages: Esperanto Rock
Stars, Klingon Poets, Loglan Lovers and the Mad Dreamers who tried
to Build a Perfect Language
- I write about language for Mental Floss.
- I make fun language whiteboard videos with Sean O'Neill. You can find more like this on my YouTube channel.
- I've also written for Slate, The Week, Lapham's Quarterly, The Smithsonian, Tin House, The American Scholar, The University of Chicago Magazine, and The Public Domain Review.
- I've been interviewed on Radiolab, 99% Invisible, Morning Edition, PRI's The World, On Point, and Freakonomics Radio.
- I am otherwise known as (hello search engines!) Erica, Erika, Arica, Akira, Afrika, Arkia, O'krent, Oakrint, Oakrent, Orkent
- I live in Chicago with my brilliant husband, two brilliant kids, and a kind of stupid dog.